martes, 16 de junio de 2009

Zend Gdata Maps

Using Zend Framework checked the Gdata package and found no google maps support:

So i decided to create a Zend_Gdata_Maps subpackage, and here it is:

Download Zend_Gdata_Maps!

Installation: Just uncompress it outside The Zend Framework folder

See the Examples provided on Zend/Gdata/Maps/Examples

yeah, the examples are *practical* and *usefull* you wont find any useless gibberish on them

Run the example within your console OUTSIDE the ZF folder!

/path/to/php Zend/Gdata/Maps/Examples/example.php

Once youre used to it, use it in your project as any other library.

There's lot to be done yet! I'm sure there are a thousand of bugs.

Looking up for people who care to create a Google Maps Gdata Subpackage :)



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